Wednesday, March 17, 2010


America: the word just incites emotion for anyone who lives here. Sure, most countrymen love their country and are proud of where they come from. There is something in us as humans that makes us want to belong and causes us to take our country of origin personal. Yet it is different with America. People dream of becoming Americans. For centuries, families have given up everything just to cross into the protection of our borders. Why? What is it that makes America so different that people yearn for it?

Is it the kind-hearted people that scurry around New York City? Is it the courteous driving habits promoted by LA drivers? Is it the safe and lawful streets of DC or the majestic landscapes of Detroit? Why do people want to be American? People long for our country because over 200 years ago a few brave men set out to change the world with one belief: freedom and the rights of man are ordained by God and no King or ruler could tread on these God-given rights. The course that our founding fathers set America on is like no other; it is the shining city on the hill and people from all over the world covet our freedom, way of life, and the prosperity created as a result.

There is a problem, however; our culture no longer allows us to publicly believe in God. Yes, our churches and homes are “free” but with no God in the public sector, where does that leave our freedoms? If our freedoms our endowed to us by the Creator, and yet the Creator is no longer accepted, where do our freedoms come from? They must have been given to us by the Government? For those that do not believe in the Creator, in God, this may not pose much of a problem. However, the fact of the matter is that the very foundation of America was laid upon the verity that our freedoms are guaranteed by God. Therefore, in the absence of God, according to our system, there is no guarantee of freedom; there are only the rights and privileges awarded to us by the government at the will and discretion of the government. The removal of God or of the Creator as a symbol of the immortality of our freedoms was not by accident. By removing the Creator from the public sector we are left enslaved to the will of the government. We have willingly thrown out that which protected our rights and replaced it with those who would take away our rights.

America: the word just incites emotion, but for how much longer will her light shine? Can she stand on the moral weaknesses of a government unbound to the Creator? Recent history has proven that American’s governors are no different in their corruption, thievery, and power-hungry ways than the rest of the world. Yet for 200 years our country stood free, unhindered by will of Government. What has held the government in check? Were the people that much different from us 50 years ago? Were their wills stronger than ours at fighting off the encroaching powers knocking at our doors? No! We as a people have not changed, save one key fundamental aspect. We have told the Creator that we do not need Him to protect our freedoms and that one change in belief allowed the government to move in and take the Creator’s place. 50 years ago we starting debating if we needed God; now we debate what freedoms or rights should be kept and which ones should be disposed of. 50 years ago we told the Creator that our rights and freedoms were ours because we deserved them; today we talk about who deserves life and who deserves death in terms of healthcare, social security, education, and all other entitlements. The progression from a belief system that our freedoms were from God, to today where most are content to bow to the whims of the all-powerful government has been swift and complete. The Government once held in check by the Creator through our belief system is now unleashed and is furious for the power and authority that it had been denied for over 200 years and we are left at its mercy. May God Help Us.

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